The “Autumn” Project
Historical fiction told through digital and traditional art.

An Open Ended Art Project
A realistic art series based on the history of a fictional town called Autumn, Virginia – a community nestled against the Blue Ridge Mountains. The story follows the city’s century and a half long rise and fall (and eventual Renaissance) in its struggle to create a more ideal society.
World Building
150+ years worth of fictional characters, places, and stories developed from my own mind as well as adapted from regional history – all weaved into our own American heritage.
Drawing & Painting
I’m finally returning to my bread and butter, traditional figurative artwork with a focus on realism in much the same style as the great 19th century painters – now with more creative resources.
The artwork will be supported by a detailed backstory, following reoccurring characters that overlap from one generation to the next. A great fire, city rivalries, racial tensions, labor struggles…
3d Design
Using Blender, an open-source 3d graphics program, I’m building whole compositions from the ground up, including architecture, characters, costumes, and environments to be used as reference for drawings & paintings.
Historical Research
Accuracy is the key to realism, and I intend to represent each object in my scene with authentic details. A piece as small as a pocketwatch or as complicated as a steam engine locomotive will be thoroughly researched.
An imperfect society can still strive for perfection.
Imagining a better world through research and storytelling.
A creative journey that takes you from idea, to understanding, to finished artwork.
A Culmination of My Passions and Struggles
A thriving city is not built overnight. The project is ambitious, but it’s one worth participating in. Though mistakes are expected, it’ll be a rewarding journey, and the end result should be a beautiful one.
My first series, My Humble Existence, allowed me to draw and paint realistically and develop a body of work that explored issues between childhood memories and adult realities. My animal silhouettes took me in a modern and colorful direction, forcing me to learn a new digital way of creating art that could appeal to a different audience.
Various other projects, some successful, some not, pushed me into new territories as well. I’ve been able to show at galleries, design logos and t-shirts for college organizations, paint a mural with elementary students, donate artwork to animal charities, learn advanced computer programs, give an artist talk and workshop at my own solo show, and deal with the complexities of selling art all over the world.
I’ve stretched myself further than I could have imagined, and now I want to use that knowledge to return to the type of art I truly love – drawing and painting realism.
19th century history, urban development, Victorian architecture, and beauty in nature were the pillars I set up early to develop a story around. I started to play around with 3d modeling and organizing a backstory to a fictional town. With the new crowdfunding system Patreon created, I felt ready to completely dive in. I’ve never felt so excited about a project. Instead of just creating standalone artwork, I’m forming an entire community based on the places I love and the issues I’m passionate about.
I want to share each part of the process with you because I can’t hold it all in. As an artist, I’m always fascinated when a creator shows his/her workflow. The point of this story is the development of an ideal community from the beginning, and I see no better way to do that than to include you in that journey. I’m learning as a go so that means I’m looking for experts, passionate voices, and curious onlookers to help guide me.
Autumn does not have a smooth transition into the modern world, but it is built on a solid foundation of vision and ideals. I’m taking the time to research and develop this semi-utopian project with the same expectations. My personal goal and the goal of my city is to constantly improve the quality of life. My workflow will improve, the technology I use will improve, and (I hope) so will the world around me. I hope it can also be entertaining along the way.
Building in 3d
Visual Realism
I admitted a long time ago that I do not draw or paint well directly from my imagination. I need visual information to work from, and that is the main reason I have relied on photographs in the past. With plenty of detail in front of me, I can begin to edit and use my artistic license to compose the image in my mind. This has been a crutch, yes, but I’ve learned to adapt to it and make it work to my advantage.
Revisionist History
Ever since my mom told me she grew up on the same road in which Paul Revere made his famous ride, I’ve been captivated by American history. It includes some of the most entertaining and fascinating stories while still maintaining relevance today. My goal is not to rewrite history, but to personalize it and bring to light the lives of people who helped shape our great country.
The history of Autumn exists alongside other American cities, with presidents, businesses, and events showing up with the fictional ones. Based on various US cities, specifically ones in Virginia, Autumn will absorb local cultures and traditions and organically grow into the world class city I envision for its future.
The Project
Autumn, Virginia is neither a utopia nor a dystopia. It is intended to be an optimistic version of our society’s future. By reflecting on the struggles of our past, a balance of beauty, respect, technology, and civic improvement is possible.